oday’s economy has forced may divorced couples to do the unthinkable: live together after the ink has dried on the Final Judgment. Because the real estate market is flat and the job market is equally bleak, many people are unable to sell their homes and can’t afford to buy a new home. Ergo, this brave new world of being divorced but still living together. READ FULL POST
Family Law Blog
Daddy Doesn’t Love You Anymore
Alexa and Eduardo are going through a divorce after 10 years of marriage. They have two children children, Angela, eight years old and Juan Carlos, 6 years old. Eduardo moved out of the marital residence last year, and the kids remain at home living with … READ FULL POST
WHO KEEPS THE DOG? Bill and Marie have been married for 12 years. They never had any children, but they have almost the next best thing: a huge Great Dane named Thor. Thor is everything to this couple: he has his own room in their … READ FULL POST
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